Friday, March 23, 2007

And then you get those conversations...

...that make you go: "wow, I love this!"

This weekend is busy for me. Youth group Friday night, hosting a district training event Saturday during the day, a dinner Saturday evening and then finishing up a sermon series on Sunday (looking towards Palm Sunday too...).
Tonight though was good. During and after youth group I got a few questions from students that show God is doing stuff. Questions like: if you think about something after you have "given" it to God, is that wrong? what does God's voice sound like? I'm confused about this... what does it mean?
I'm so glad God showed up tonight. I'm so glad he showed me He's still doing his thing, regardless of what is going on in my head. He uses me despite myself. He uses me as I am. It makes me want to know and love Him more.

Thanks God. I needed that.

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