Friday, June 20, 2008

A cloudy day

Took a few pictures of the sky while a thunderstorm skipped by town.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Or to go right to the page go here.

Sunday, June 15, 2008


I have no pictures to share of today, I didn't take any, but today was an exemplary day. I had the distinct honour of dedicating three children (all of the same parents) and then I got to baptize 7 (yes, seven) people. As far as I'm concerned, child dedications are the second most fun thing in church services, baptisms are number one.

Really, really good morning, we skipped the sermon, listened to what God has done in these young people's lives and got dunkin'.

Then I fixed the kitchen sink while my brother entertained the boys. Saturday morning the handle to the kitchen sink came off in my hand, bought a new faucet in S'toon saturday, tried installing Saturday night, but it was more than a quick switch as the existing faucet had really long connects and the counter top (actually 2 layers of countertop) was too think for the new faucet's connections. All that to say, it's fixed now.

Then we all went swimming, ate homemade burgers (I'm not sure Dave has had a super thick burger for a while) and talked.

All in all a very good day, but I'm tired, so goodnight.

Friday, June 13, 2008


So it's been a busy week. I've taken loads of pictures, so many in fact that there is a great backlog of stuff I need to go through.
Took pictures of 2 kindergarten grads, 1 pre-k grad, a little photo journey that I've been wanting to do for months, a whole mess of candids and macro stuff, plus all the pictures that Tara has taken in between, this morning I snapped a few of the Children's festival here and tonight is our youth group wrap up.

I likely won't post many here... but I will on my Flickr (first) and then a few will trickle to my Facebook page as well.

Thanks for staying tuned...

Friday, June 06, 2008

Camera update

So London Drugs called, and my camera is back in the province.
Too bad it's three hours to Saskatoon, each way (give or take). But thanks to the www a friend is on their way to pick up the camera. Robyn is heading into the city with her family to catch a wedding. She found out the camera was ready for pickup because of Facebook - which I have linked with my Twitter (think a site that just does status updates, allows me to put those on FB and on the side of my blog over there). I get my camera back without having to drive into the city, she and Garth gets to test drive the D40 for a weekend (my bet is they'll want to buy a new camera soon). We all win.

Expect to be taking pictures some on Monday (my day off!)

Here's the picture of my D40 before it came out of its box.
A New D40 finds a home

believes, hopes, loves

One quote from my reading this week... perhaps there'll be more quotes today... we'll see.

That all things are possible to him who believes; that they are less difficult to him who hopes; that they are more easy to him who loves and still more easy to him who perseveres in the practice of these three virtues.
(italics his)
Brother Lawrence, The Practice of the Presence of God; p20

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Tonight I asked...

Tonight, I asked God for some big things.  Things that I have been thinking about for a long time.  Situations I have made a mess of.  Situations I am way over my head in.  In my own life, in the lives of those I serve, and other stuff besides.  Tonight I even asked God for things that I don't need, things I want, luxury items in every sense of the word.
Part of me is pleased I finally let go of whatever illusion I have of being able to make it through some of these situations by myself, another part is scared of being disappointed.  Now, don't get me wrong, I know God is big enough to answer.  I have seen God do a lot of really amazing things.  I get to see and hear about those things often.  But the reasons that I am in the situations I am in, at least the situations I'm concerned about, maybe those reasons haven't been fulfilled yet.  

So I wrote out my prayer.  I even showed it to my wife.  I'm sharing a little of the process with you.  It's out there now.  I'm not sure how I feel.  Relieved, scared, nervous, hopeful, and some other stuff besides.  

Of this I am sure though, I will keep striving to know my God.  I will do my best to serve him.  I will do my best to show others that anything of value in me is because of him.  

Tonight, I asked.  What will you ask God for?  Will you wait?  Will you expect?  Will you hope?  Or will you just throw up some requests and see what sticks and protect yourself from disappointment?
Tonight, I am trying to wait, to trust, to have faith.  
Good night.